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Lake Central Youth Basketball

Playing Rules


Playing Rules 2024-25 Season


Section 1.                           INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION RULES will be followed (including alternate possession of jump balls) except as noted or modified by these Lake Central Youth Basketball League (hereinafter referred to as LCYB) rules listed below.

Section 2.                           MEMBER PARTICIPANT & SPECTATOR ETHICS

               A.           The following applies to before, during and after all games sanctioned by LCYB.  It will be against the rules of LCYB for any spectator, coach or player to threaten, harass or intimidate the Basketball Officials (Referees, Scorekeepers, Board members) in any way (in sight of or in earshot of the Officials).  Failure to comply with this rule could mean immediate expulsion from the game and building, and/or loss of the game by judgment of the LCYB Board.  Any physical contact with a Basketball Official will result in action by the LCYB Board.

               B.           Fighting, verbally or physically, between spectators, coaches, players (in any combination) will NOT be tolerated by LCYB.  Failure to comply with this rule will mean immediate expulsion from the game and a minimum suspension of the next scheduled game.  Further action will be reviewed by the LCYB Board.

               C.           A parent that is assessed a technical foul and removed from the gym will be notified, verbally or in writing, to appear before the LCYB Board or Executive Board.  If that parent does not appear, the child is suspended from games and practice until the parent(s) comply.

               D.           Any team, player or spectator suspected of vandalizing, defacing or causing a dangerous situation (i.e. dialing 911, false alarms, possible damage to school property, etc)  will be subject to suspension.  All suspensions will be ruled on by the Executive Board and any team and/or individual can be suspended without definitive proof.  Individuals can be held responsible for payment of any and all repairs, fees and/or fines assessed.  All vandalism and/or destruction of property will be turned over to the Lake Central School Corporation and/or other proper authorities. 

Section 3.                           SMOKING AND DRINKING

               Alcoholic beverages will NOT be allowed on school property at any time.  Other beverages and food will not be allowed in the gyms.  Lake Central School Corporation policy states NO SMOKING on school grounds.  All violators will be asked to leave the premises.

Section 4.                           SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN

               All children viewing games and/or practices must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  There are to be no children, unsupervised, in the hallways or bathrooms, of the schools, during games and/or practices.  All unsupervised children will be made to leave the building.


               All coaches must conduct themselves with a good sportsmanship attitude at all times.  All Coaches must show respect to all Officials, opposing Coaches and players at all times.  All Grades 2-6 divisions:  Coaches must be at least 19 years of age and graduated from high school.   All Grades 7-8 divisions:  Coaches must be at least 21 years of age.  All High School divisions:  Coaches must be at least 23 years of age, unless preapproved by LCYB Board.

Section 1.                           PLAYERS AND PARENTS

               A.           A Coach, at all times, must have complete control of his/her players and their parents during games and practices.

               B.           Coaches are responsible for informing parents that children must be picked up within five (5) minutes after the conclusion of practice.  Coaches must remain until all players have been picked up after practices or games.   Repeated violations must be reported to LCYB and will be reviewed by LCYB Board.

               C.           The number of adults allowed on the bench during games will be limited to a maximum of two (2):  One (1) Head Coach and one (1) Assistant Coach.

Section 2.                           OFFICIAL NOTICE TO PLAYERS AND PARENTS

               Every coach in LCYB is hereby instructed to make all players and parents aware and knowledgeable of the Code of Ethics and their penalties, as drafted in Article I and Article II of the By-Laws.

               Official notices to Coaches, parents and/or players of suspensions and/or appearances before the LCYB Board will be made verbally or in writing by the Coach, LCYB Division Commissioner or LCYB Board Member.

Section 3.                           SCHEDULES

               A.           Scheduled games are subject to change only by the Building Usage Board Member(s) and the LCYB President.  Each coach/team parent will be responsible for advising his/her team players of any changes.

               B.           Officially scheduled practices (one {1} hour in length) will be kept to the time and place assigned by the Building Usage Board Member.  PRACTICES OTHER THAN THE OFFICIAL PRACTICE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.  Flagrant violations:  First (1st) violation will result in Coach suspension from the next regular scheduled game. Second (2nd) violation will result in Team suspension from the next regular schedule practice and Coach suspension from the next regular scheduled game.  Continued violations will be reviewed and discipline decided by the Executive Board.

               C.           Official scheduled practices are subject to change only by the Building Usage Board member. All practices are scheduled and based on gym/school availability.

               D.           Practices during the week will not continue later than 9:00 pm for grades 2, 3 or 4; and not later than 10:00 pm for grades 5 through 12.

Section 4.                           OFFICIAL TIME CLOCK AND SCOREBOOK

               A.           The HOME team will be responsible for the operation and the operator of the official time clock.  The first team listed on the schedule will be designated as the “HOME TEAM”.

               B.           The keeper of the Scorebook will be the Official Scorekeeper.  He/She must record each eligible player and which quarter they enter.  He/She must record which quarter(s) an eligible player becomes ineligible due to injury, fouling out, late arrival or sickness.  He/She must record each “warning” and “technical” issued by a referee (i.e., what it was for).


Section 1.                           GRADE REQUIREMENTS

               A.           Each division within LCYB will be based upon grade requirements.  The divisions/teams will be established according to the number of individuals signed up at each grade level.

               B.           Players must be enrolled in the second (2nd) through twelfth (12th) grades.  Proof of grade (report card) and/or residency is required for all second (2nd) graders and new players.

               C.           Players who have been suspended from school will not be allowed to participate within LCYB during said suspension.  Players who have been expelled from school will not be allowed to participate within LCYB during said expulsion.

               D.           Players who have not reached the age of 20, prior to April 1st of the current season, and who have been eligible to participate for a maximum of five (5) years, will be allowed to participate in the High School division.

Section 2.                           TEAM ELIGIBILITY

               A.           Each team must have five (5) players to start a game or it will lose by forfeit; however, a scrimmage game of not more than two (2) quarters can be played if adequate arrangements can be made between the coaches.  Referees are not permitted by IHSAA to officiate a scrimmage game.

               B.           1.            Players provided with proper sized LCYB uniforms AND NOT WEARING THE UNIFORM AND GYM SHOES MAY NOT participate in sanctioned games.  No player may play in an altered LCYB uniform.

                              2.            Names on the back of the uniform shirts are restricted to first or last name of the player, only; no nicknames, for all divisions. 

               C.           ONLY registered players may participate in any scheduled game or practice.  During games, only the teams assigned gym usage will be allowed on the floor.  This includes halftime and between games.  This is due to insurance limitations.


Section 1.                           GAME DURATION

               A.           Grade 2 Co-ed division will have a six (6) minute running clock.  This division will have no overtime.

               B.           All Grades 3-6 divisions will have an eight (8) minute running clock, with the last one (1) minute of the fourth (4th) quarter stopping for all whistles, unless there is a 10 or more point difference between teams.  The clock will stop for all time outs.

               C.           Grades 7-8 divisions will have five (5) minute stop clock.  If the home team does not provide a clock  keeper, then an eight (8) minute running clock will be used.  Once the game starts as a running clock, it will not be changed with the exception of time outs.

               D.           All High School divisions will have a five and one-half (5-1/2) minute stop clock.  If the home team does not provide a clock keeper, then an eight (8) minute running clock will be used.  Once the game starts as a running clock, it will not be changed with the exception of time outs.

.               E.            All overtime periods will have a stop clock, for all whistles, and will be two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute maximum official time out, for grades 3 through 8.

Section 2.                           TIME  OUTS

               All grades:  Each team is allowed two (2) time-outs in the first (1st) half and three (3) time-outs in the second (2nd) half; and, one (1) time-out in each overtime period played.  Time-outs do not carry over into an overtime period.  Time-outs will not be longer than one (1) minute.

Section 3.                           TIME  CLOCK  (for divisions using a running clock)

               A.           The official time clock will stop for all time-outs, and at the discretion of the Referee.

               B.           In the Grade 2 Co-ed division:  There will be NO SCORE KEPT on the time clock.

Section 4.                           LINE UP

A.        Before the start of the first (1st) quarter, the teams’ scorekeeper or Coach must present the team roster to the Official Scorekeeper.  The line-up must be listed in numerical order of all players and must be turned in no less than five (5) minutes before the start of the game.  The Official Scorekeeper must be notified of any player who will not be in attendance or any known player who will be late in arriving.  A team will be assessed a bench technical foul against each team in violation resulting in two (2) free throws and possession of the ball at the start of the game, if this is not done.  If both teams are in violation, a jump ball will result.

Any player who is NOT going to be playing in the game:  (1) may NOT be in full uniform  (2) He/She may wear their team shirt, but not shorts  (3) He/She must be in long pants such as warm-up pants, jeans, etc;  (4) may NOT be on the gym floor/basketball court during any warm-up or half-time.

                              Grades 2 through 6:  A COACH MUST NOTIFY THE OPPOSING COACH OF ANY SUBSTITUTIONS.  Failure to comply will result in that team being assessed a time-out.  If the team has used all time-outs, then a technical foul will be assessed to the team.

               B.           1.            Eligible Player – Any player arriving prior to the start of the game and in proper uniform (*); any player not fouled out (have five {5} personal fouls); any “uninjured” player; and, any player not ejected from the game by the Referee.

                              2a.         Each eligible player must play two (2) complete, uninterrupted quarters.  Each eligible player must play at least one (1) full uninterrupted quarter in each the first (1st) half and second (2nd) half.  A player who arrives after the start of the game but before the start of the second (2nd) half, must play a minimum of one (1) complete, uninterrupted quarter.  The Official Scorekeeper must be notified of this before the start of the game.  A player that arrives after the start of the third (3rd) quarter does not have to play, but this is left up to the discretion of the coach.  Any player who starts a quarter and is injured during that quarter will be considered as having played the full quarter.  Any player who substitutes in a quarter, for an injured player, will be considered as having appeared in that quarter as far as eligibility is concerned.

                              2b.         (**) NO eligible player may appear in four (4) quarters before all eligible players have played in three (3) full, uninterrupted quarters.  The exception to this is when a player appearing in his/her fourth (4th) quarter while other player(s) are appearing in his/her third (3rd) quarter.  This can only occur if a team has six (6) players or there is an injury, illness or foul-out.

                              2c.          There are to be NO substitutions of players during the first (1st) half unless it is for injury, illness or foul-out.

                              3.            During any overtime, ANY player without five (5) fouls is eligible to play.  The quarter restrictions do not apply to overtime, unless restricted by 4.B.8  below.

                              4.            The Official Scorekeeper must notify the Referee of any discrepancy of the above Section 4. B.1, B.2, or B.3.

                              5.            The coach of any team playing against a team with less players may have the right to choose one (1) or two (2) players who cannot play a certain number of quarters.  The opposing Coach and Official Scorekeeper must be notified.  This must be done before the start of the game and the options available, to said team, are listed below:

·        10 Player team versus 7, 8, or 9 player team:  The 10 player team may choose 1 player who cannot play, or appear, in more than 2 quarters.

·        9 or 10 player team versus a 6 player team:  The 9 or 10 player team may choose 2 players who cannot play, or appear, in more than 3 quarters.

·        7 or 8 player team versus a 6 player team:  The 7 or 8 player team may choose 1 player who cannot play, or appear, in more than 3 quarters.

·        7, 8, or 9 player team versus 7, 8 or 9 player team:   Each team shall choose his/her players to play more than 2 quarters.

                              6.            If a coach believes there is an attendance problem with a player missing games and/or practices, he/she should bring it to the attention of an Executive Board Member as soon as possible for possible action which may include suspension from the next game.  If the player is to be suspended from a game, the opposing Coach must be notified before said game by the Commissioner.

                              7.            All eligible players that become ineligible during the game due to injury, illness or fouling out, must be reported to the Official Scorekeeper and be noted in the official scorebook at the time the player becomes ineligible.  The Coach must notify the opposing Coach and the Scorekeeper of the ineligibility of the player.  Failure to do so will result in that team being assessed a time-out.  If the team has used all time-outs, then a technical foul will be assessed to the team.

                              8.            Grade 2 Co-ed, All Grades 3-6 (boys, girls) Divisions:

                              No player after scoring his/her 20th point, in any game, will be allowed to play in more than two (2) quarters, including any overtime period(s) unless:  his/her team thereafter has fewer than five (5) players eligible to play in that game.  Any player who scores his/her 20th point, any time, after playing two (2) full uninterrupted quarters, will be removed from the game, at that point, and will no longer be eligible to play in that game unless his/her team thereafter has fewer than five (5) eligible players to play in that game.

                              Further, no field goal made by any player in the above divisions will count as a score for his/her team after the player has scored his/her 20th point in that game.  Free throws made by any such player (including technical foul free throws) will continue to count as scores for his/her team.

                              9.            Failure to comply with the above items of this section will result in a bench technical foul against the violating team.  Each Coach noticing an infraction must work with the opposing Coach to resolve the infraction equitably with the intent of avoiding any further infraction.  Each infraction will be reviewed by LCYB Board.

                              10.         A Coach intending to protest the outcome of a game or an incident in a game must notify the opposing Coach and his/her LCYB Commissioner within 48 hours of the protested game’s starting time.

Section 5.                           FOULS

               A.           A player may incur only five (5) personal fouls per game.  There will be no exception to this rule, regardless of the score or number of eligible players remaining on the team.

               B.           Technical Fouls Penalty

                              All technical fouls, in all divisions, will have a penalty of two (2) shots and loss of ball possession; except in the High School Boys division where a Technical Foul penalty will be an automatic 2 points and loss of ball possession.

               C.           Warning Penalty

                              The warning will be given and must be logged in the Official Scorebook, listing what the warning was for.  Only one (1) warning will be given for any type of illegal defense (i.e., zoning, double team, breaking the plane, etc.).  Each call of any illegal defense, after the specific warning, will be an automatic personal foul and team technical foul resulting in two (2) technical shots and possession of the ball.  This rule does not apply to Grade 2 Co-ed division.

               D.           Team Technical Foul – ZONING or DOUBLE TEAM

                              If the defensive team has a technical foul or warning called against them for “zoning” or “double teaming”, the offensive team will be allowed a free inbound pass (no press) to the back court area.  This will occur even if the defensive team can “press” according to Article IV, Section 7.

               E.            Technical Foul or Ejection on Player or Coach   

                              Any player or coach receiving two (2) technical fouls, in any one (1) game, or is ejected from a game, will be suspended from further participation in that game and from the next scheduled game.

If during the season, a player or coach is ejected for a second (2nd) time, he/she will be suspended from further play of that game and also the next two (2) scheduled games and possibly the remainder of the season which will be reviewed and determined by LCYB Executive Board and/or at the next scheduled LCYB Board meeting.

                              Any player or coach who personally receives two (2) technical fouls, or is ejected, in any one game, will be ejected from the game AND the building.  Any coach or player receiving said technical fouls, or ejection, and does not remove him/herself from the building during that game SHALL BE SUSPENDED FOR THE NEXT TWO (2) GAMES.  

         A coach or player receiving said technical fouls or is ejected from a game MUST appear before the LCYB Board at its next scheduled meeting.  The coach’s or player’s actions will then be reviewed by the LCYB Executive Board which may utilize the right to remove any Coach from his/her coaching duties or to remove any player from further participation, at any time, if necessary.

F.   If any coach or player receives three (3) technical fouls, in a season, said coach or player will receive a two (2) game suspension.  Further, four (4) technical fouls in a season will result in the coach or player being suspended from further participation for the remainder of the season and possibly the next season which will be reviewed and determined by the LCYB Board.

Section 6.                           LANE VIOLATIONS

               A.           All Grades 2-4 Divisions:  An offensive player can stay in the lane area for five (5) seconds at a time.  All Grades 5-12 Divisions:  An offensive player is limited to three (3) seconds, as prescribed by IHSAA.  Lane violation occurs when an offensive player is stationed in the lane for the described time and the counting of said violation starts again after an attempted shot and possession is made.

               B.           All Grades 3-4 Divisions:  Players may double team the ball between the baseline and before the free throw line, extended to the out-of-bounds line, while remaining within six (6) feet of his/her opponent.

               C.           All Grades 5-6 Divisions:  Players will be allowed to double team in the forecourt.  Otherwise, the defensive player is to be within six (6) feet of his/her opponent.

               D.           All Grades 7-12 Divisions:  Players can utilize a zone defense with a full-court press allowed at any time.

               E.            There will be no “clearing out” by the offensive team for the purpose of playing “one-on-one” for all Grades 2-6 divisions.

                              “Clearing out” is defined as:  If, in the discretion of the Referee, the majority of the offensive team move to places on the court taking themselves out of the play.  The penalty for this is one (1) warning and a bench technical foul for each subsequent offense.  If a basket is made when the offense is called, the basket is disallowed.  This rule is to eliminate one-man basketball and promote TEAM play.

               F.            Intercepting an outlet pass, after a rebound in the back court, is prohibited except when pressing is allowed.

               G.           All Grades 3-4 Divisions:  Coaches may change defensive assignment and switch players only at a dead ball.  Notwithstanding this rule, players may switch on a pick-and-roll at any time during the game. 

Grade 2 Co-ed:  A pick-and-roll play/skill is not allowed in this division.

               H.           All Grades 3-6 Divisions:  After a defensive rebound or attempted shot not hitting the rim or backboard, the ball must be passed, at least once, before a shot is taken – except during a full court press.  A blocked shot will be considered a steal and not require a pass.

Section 7.                           FULL COURT PRESS

               A.           Grade 2 Co-ed Divisions:  Cannot press at any time.

               B.           All Grades 3-4 Divisions:  Will be allowed to use a full court press during the last two (2) minutes of the fourth (4th) quarter and any subsequent overtime period(s) if not winning by ten (10) points or more.

               C.           All Grades 5-6 Divisions:  Will be allowed to use a full court press only during the last quarter of the game and any subsequent overtime period(s) if not winning by ten (10) points or more.

               D.           All Grades 7-8 Divisions:  May use a full court press at any time if not winning by ten (10) points or more.

               E.            All High School Divisions:  May use a full court press at any time if not winning by fifteen (15) points or more.

Section 8.                           BASKET HEIGHT and FREE THROW DISTANCE

               A.           BASKET HEIGHT:   All Grades 2-4 divisions will use 8 feet 6 inch high baskets.  All Grades 5-12 divisions will use the regulation basket height.

               B.           FREE THROW:   Grade 2 Co-ed division will shoot free throws at the discretion of the Referee.  All Grades 3-4 divisions will shoot free throws from twelve (12) feet.  All Grades 5-12 divisions will shoot free throws from the regulation free throw line.

Section 9.                           BASKETBALL SIZE

               Grade 2 Co-ed division will use the junior size (110 numbering convention) basketball.  All Grades 3-6 divisions and Girls Grades 5-12 divisions will use the intermediate size (28.5 or 120 numbering convention) basketball.  Boys Grades 7-12 divisions will use regulation size (29.5 or 125 numbering convention) basketballs.

Section 10.                        THREE POINT PLAY

               Girls Grades 7-12 and Boys Grades 7-8 divisions:  Three (3) points will be awarded for any basket shot and made from the location beyond the area designated as the three (3) point lines marked on the court.  Boys High School division will be awarded three (3) points for any basket shot and made from 19 feet 9 inches.



These, as adopted by the Lake Central Youth Basketball Board of Directors, shall become a part of any supplemental to the Constitution and By-Laws of said organization.

Accepted by the Board of Directors
Dated:     August 31, 2023  

3 or 5 Second Lane Violation
occurs when an offensive player is stationed in the lane for the described time and the counting of said violation starts again after an attempted shot and possession is made.

(*)Proper Uniform:  LCYB will provide players with his/her team jersey.  LCYB will provide players with plain black shorts for grades 2nd through 8th (boys & girls) and through 12th girls.

Players may wear a white, sleeveless shirt under said jersey, if he/she desires. 

(**) Substitutions:  Simply -- No one can APPEAR in 4 quarters before ALL OTHERS have played in 3 FULL, UNINTERRUPTED quarters unless someone is playing their 3rd full uninterrupted quarter while playing in the 4th quarter..  Playing in a part of a quarter is NOT a full quarter.  The breakdown of players and quarters are, as follows:                 10 Players = 2 quarters each.                                                                                                     

                  9 Players = 7 players play 2 quarters, 2 play 3 quarters
                  8 Players = 4 players play 2 quarters, 4 play 3 quarters
                  7 Players = 1 player plays 2 quarters, 6 play 3 quarters
                  6 Players = 4 players play 3 quarters, 2 play 4 quarters

Terminology, Glossary, Explanation:

As taken from the Basketball 2002-03 Rules Book from IHSAA:
Fouls and Penalties –   Section 13 – Excessive Swing of Arm(s)/Elbow(s)

               Art. 1 … A player shall not excessively swing his/her arm(s) or elbow(s), even without contacting an opponent.
               Art. 2 … A player may extend arm(s) or elbow(s) to hold the ball under the chin or against the body.
Art. 3 … Action of arm(s) and elbow(s) resulting from total body movements as in pivoting or movement of the ball incident to feinting with it, releasing it, or moving it to prevent a held ball or loss of control shall not be considered excessive.

               Penalty:  (Section 13) … The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponent or a throw-in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation.

               Per Lake Central School Corporation guidelines… If a child is a member of any Lake Central School Corp basketball team, said child is not permitted to participate in the LCYB program; therefore, he/she may not register to participate in LCYB during the current season per rules of LCSC.

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Lake Central Youth Basketball

Lake Central Youth Basketball Po Box 424 Saint John IN 46373 

Email Us: [email protected]
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